Belgian Desk


After Germany, Belgium is the Netherlands largest trading partner, and vice versa. In South Limburg, the border with Belgium and Germany is never far away, and there has always been a great deal of contact and familiarity with the language and culture of these major trading partners. For many years we have represented the interests of Belgian companies, institutions, and authorities in the Netherlands.

Our Belgian desk comprises Dimitry Aertssen (insolvency law and corporate law) and Philippe van den Heuvel (insolvency law and corporate law). These lawyers were born and raised in Belgium and/or have lived in Belgium for many years and at the same time have a great deal of professional experience in the Netherlands. As a result, they know better than anyone how to deal with the cultural and linguistic differences between Belgium and the Netherlands, which may seem only minor at first glance but which can be tricky to deal with.


Advice and proceedings

Our Belgian Desk focuses on Belgian businesses, authorities, and (wealthy) private individuals that are active within the Dutch economy and require advice on Dutch law, or who need assistance in proceedings pending in the Netherlands.


Fields of law

Here are a few examples of cases in which we have provided legal assistance to Belgian companies or authorities:

  • acquisition of a Dutch company by a Belgian company;
  • assistance for Belgian local authorities regarding cross-border infrastructure projects;
  • establishment of a joint venture and other forms of cooperation between Dutch and Belgian parties;
  • assistance in contract negotiations under Dutch law;
  • labour disputes relating to employees of a Belgian employer who reside in the Netherlands (and vice versa);
  • collection of claims from parties residing in the Netherlands;
  • purchase and/or operation of real estate in the Netherlands.



Over the years we have built up a broad network of Belgian advisors (including accountants, lawyers, tax experts, civil-law notaries, and trust offices) with whom we work closely. We are therefore happy to put our Dutch clients in contact with them if they are, or want to be, active in Belgium.

Please contact our Belgian Desk with any questions about these matters.