Thuis Partners considers customer satisfaction extremely important and we do our utmost to provide the best possible service. Even so, you may perhaps be dissatisfied with a certain aspect of our service. Here’s what to do about it.
If you are dissatisfied with the creation or performance of an agreement for professional services, the quality of the service provided, or the size of an invoice you should first present you complaint to your own lawyer. You can also contact our firm’s Complaints Officer, Mr. N.P.F.E. van der Peet. Thuis Partners deals with complaints in accordance with the following Complaints Regulations.
Thuis Partners Complaints Regulations
Section 1 Definitions
In these Complaint Regulations, the following terms will be understood to have the meanings assigned to them below:
- Complaint: Any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of a Client against a lawyer, or persons working under the responsibility of a lawyer, regarding the creation or performance of an agreement for professional services, the quality of the service provided, or the amount of an invoice, other than a Complaint as referred to in Section 4 of the (Dutch) Advocates Act [Advocatenwet];
- Complainant: a Client or a Client’s representative who makes a Complaint;
- Complaints Officer: the lawyer charged with dealing with the Complaint.
Section 2 Scope
- These Complaints Regulations apply to all agreements for professional services between Thuis Partners and the Client.
- Every Thuis Partners lawyer must ensure that Complaints are dealt with in accordance with the Complaints Regulations.
Section 3 Purpose
The purpose of these Complaints Regulations is:
- to lay down a procedure for dealing with Complaints from Clients within a reasonable period of time and in a constructive manner;
- to lay down a procedure for determining the causes of Complaints from Clients;
- to maintain and improve existing relationships through the proper handling of Complaints;
- to train employees to respond to Complaints in a Client-focussed manner;
- to improve the quality of service provision with the aid of Complaints handling and Complaints analysis.
Section 4 Information at Commencement of Service Provision
- These Complaints Regulations have been made public. Before an agreement for professional services is concluded, the lawyer concerned will notify the Client that the firm has a set of Complaints Regulations and that those Regulations apply to the service provided.
- Thuis Partners has stated in the agreement for professional services, by means of its General Terms and Conditions, to which independent party or body an unresolved Complaint can be submitted in order to obtain a binding ruling, and has made that clear in the assignment confirmation.
- Complaints within the meaning of Section 1 of these Complaints Regulations which remain unresolved after being dealt with will be submitted to the Disputes Committee for the Dutch Legal Profession [Geschillencommissie Advocatuur], which will render a ruling in the form of an arbitral award or, at the request of a consumer, in the form of a binding opinion.
Section 5 Internal Complaints Procedure
- If a Client approaches the firm with a Complaint, the Complaint will be forwarded to mr. N.P.F.E. van der Peet, who will act as the Complaints Officer.
- The Complaints Officer will notify the person against whom the Complaint is directed that a Complaint has been submitted and will give the Complainant and the person complained against the opportunity to explain/respond to the Complaint.
- The person complained against will endeavour, together with the Client, to arrive at a resolution, with or without the intervention of the Complaints Officer.
- The Complaints Officer will deal with the Complaint within four weeks of receipt of the Complaint or will inform the Complainant of any deviation from that period, stating the reasons and stating the period within which a ruling will be rendered on the Complaint.
- The Complaints Officer will notify the Complainant and the person against whom the Complaint is directed, in writing, of the ruling on the validity of the Complaint; such notification may be accompanied by recommendations.
- If the Complaint has been resolved satisfactorily, the Complainant, the Complaints Officer, and the person complained against will sign the ruling on the validity of the Complaint.
Section 6 Confidentiality and Handling of Complaints Free of Charge
- The Complaints Officer and the person complained against will observe confidentiality regarding the handling of the Complaint.
- The Complainant will not be required to pay the cost of dealing with the Complaint.
Section 7 Responsibilities
- The Complaints Officer will be responsible for the timely handling of the Complaint.
- The person complained against will keep the Complaints Officer informed about any contact and any possible resolution.
- The Complaints Officer will keep the Complainant informed about the handling of the Complaint.
- The Complaints Officer will keep a file on the Complaint.
Section 8 Recording of Complaints
- The Complaints Officer will record the Complaint and the subject it concerns.
- A Complaint can be categorised under a number of different subjects.
- The Complaints Officer will report periodically on the handling of Complaints and will make recommendations for the prevention of new Complaints and the improvement of procedures.
- The reports and recommendations will be discussed within the firm and submitted for decision-making at least once a year.